Applied Fish Welfare
Image Credit: Marine Harvest
“Look after your animals and they will look after you”: Sound common sense advice from traditional agriculture. Modern ethics demand that we intensively farm any animal species to the highest welfare standards achievable. Those of a purely commercial persuasion simply need to understand the consistent quality benefits good welfare brings to their final product.
With his background in Ecological Science Ian believes that the future of the wild Atlantic salmon will be safeguarded by sustainable salmon farming in carefully selected areas. Indiscriminate high seas fisheries are now closed due to economic pressure whilst other benefits are apparent to the unbiased observer.
Intensive salmon farming brings many benefits to our modern diet and it also brings certain responsibilities. Nevis Marine fully acknowledges the concerns of responsible Non Government Organisations (NGO's) such as the RSPCA.
Nevis Marine works with our business clients to address the valid concerns of the modern consumer in a commercial and environmentally sustainable manner.
Modern society needs to carefully and considerately harness the food producing power of the water which surrounds us.
Unit 2, Alpha Centre, Stirling University Innovation Park, Stirling FK9 4NF
+44 (0) 1665 830800
+44 (0) 7770 815994
info (at)